Round Game Joystick Mobile Phone Rocker For Iphone Android Tablet Metal Button Controller For PUBG Controller With Suction Cup
Round Game Joystick Mobile Phone Rocker For Iphone Android Tablet Metal Button Controller For PUBG Controller With Suction Cup |
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Product id | 32916753416 |
Vendor | Photography Global Store |
Category | Consumer Electronics - Video Games |
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Check This Video Reviews Round Game Joystick Mobile Phone Rocker For Iphone Android Tablet Metal Button Controller For PUBG C
Check This Video Reviews Round Game Joystick Mobile Phone Rocker For Iphone Android Tablet Metal Button Controller For PUBG
Round Game Joystick Mobile Phone Rocker For Iphone Android Tablet Metal Button Controller For PUBG Controller With Suction Cup Feature:
Suction Cup on your phone tightly but won't hurt your screen.
Light weight and sensitive:it is easily removed without leaving any glue residue or causing.
The joystick gives you a real physical precision game rocker in touchscreen Video games.
Suitable for iPhone and Android tablet using joystick, enjoy the gaming pleasure.
Design for Smartphone Gaming: combines purely physical manipulation, simply suck it to your phone and start playing.
Packaging includes:
1 x Game Joystick
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